Government schools suffer from a lot of problems typical of government and public schools in Gujarat. The teaching staff at the school is severely demotivated, and as a result, is not productive. The education level of students is also low. KarmaKonnect’s Anmol Shiksha is a model program to assist the Government school framework with better learning techniques and strengthen it as a model that enables comprehensive learning environment.
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India’s growth relies on a well-educated and skilled workforce. Improving education is a critical area of investment. A shabby foundation in primary education can overturn the lives, careers and productivity of millions of its citizens. Studies have proven that using digital tablets for classroom learning activities improves understanding of topics, digital skills, creativity, independent learning and motivation. Undeniably, it also helps in having a higher retention rate of students.
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The issues of women’s health and hygiene, sanitation, and gender inequality are detrimental not only for women’s welfare, but also for the welfare and development of our society. Women are our country’s strength and they are entitled to live a life with respect, dignity, good health and equality. Project Asmita aims at addressing these unaddressed issues of rural women through dialogue and awareness.
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Women have always been marginalized and relegated to the status of subjugated class in the Indian society. Especially in rural areas, women have not actively participated in their emancipation due to their lack of economic independence and illiteracy. Women should be organized and strengthened at the grass root level to end their subordination.
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BRING BACK THE GOLDEN DAYS OF BHARAT (INDIA): India has the most beautiful culture and traditions in the whole world. It is known for it’s beauty, it’s traditions, temples, etc. Take a step further to bring back the old golden India, which upholds its beauty like no one else before. Every Indian shall know it is their duty to respect the heritage.
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Living in 21st century seeing so many poor families are struggling a lot even for their daily bread, it is way too difficult for them to make their own house. It’s like luxurious dream to them. We as a human being can help those poor families to get shelter for them. Let’s take a step further and be a change for them.
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Banka Bioloo is women led business organization engaged in promoting and developing innovative environmental friendly products and services for Human Waste Management System. Human Waste Management Company, using the bio-digester technology and its various innovations and applications.
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Ever wonder about the efficiency of the modern toilet and water-based sewage systems? The conventional toilet design uses large amounts of water with each flush, something which just isn’t sustainable in the long run. As the nation embarks on the Swachh Bharat Mission to end open defecation, Ecosan Urine Diversion Toilet (EUDT) offers an inexpensive and easy-to-operate alternative to traditional waste disposal.
Learn MoreWomen become AtmaNirbhar in Remote Ladakh
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We aim to connect the fragmented eco-system to work towards sustainable impactful change.