Effective Digital Interventions revolutionizing learning
As India marches towards the 21st century, and last-mile digital connectivity in remote areas, familiarity with computers and technology becomes a must for children in rural areas and needs to be integrated as an important part of their academic curriculum. We thank Shekher ReddyJee for initiating this change in his hometown Marriguda in Telangana. Rural children are becoming familiar with computers and will be confident in competing with their urban counterparts in the future.
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Successful health camps continue to impact lives of people in remote Sijai
Health camps continue to benefit the people of Sijai, Madhya Pradesh. Over 700 people have been treated so far including life-saving help, advice to pregnant women, elderly and children.
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Dedicated volunteers from Pehal are changing the lives of kids residing in slums in Dhanbad, Jharkhand. In slums, where basic necessities like food, sanitation and education are not available to these kids, these young changemakers have taken up the responsibility of bringing a change. They are providing for the needs of these kids. Within a few months, these kids have now learnt to sit, dress and speak properly. Such a change is phenomenal.
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Diagnosis & Health Awareness Camps Conducted
Another health diagnosis and free medication camp was organised in Sijai, this week. People of this area, earlier who could not afford expensive medication and treatment, are now getting treatment free of cost. Regular health check-ups are being conducted.
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Medical camp benefitted 250 patients in remote SIJAI, MADHYA PRADESH
A medical camp was organised in Sijai, Madhya Pradesh, one of the most backward districts of the country. The camp benefitted more than 250 patients, who had come from nearby villages to seek medical advice and treatment.
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Auroch Agro team brought a positive change with their visionary business project in the remote desert area such as Kutch. The team has effectively initiated exotic Dragon Fruit Plantation in Kutch Kharua area. This has opened the gates for sustained employment generation and has established a farm-market link.
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12th pass Adivasi youngsters decided to change what was not helping them grow. They dared against all odds and went on to reopen 88 schools which remained closed for over 10 years due to Naxalite violence. Now more than 3900 students will benefit from this great initiative. We are more than happy to support these young change makers as they welcome new entrants for the new academic year.
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In association with the health department of Gujarat Primary Health Centre (PHC), our Zolapur Model School in Sanand organized an awareness program and an oratory contest on "De-Addiction". All the student participants were appreciated and rewarded for presenting their thoughts and ideas.
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Evening Study Centers helping Kids to grow into Individuals
Gaurav is a bright young boy, currently studying in 2nd year of college. He started studying with us when he was in standard 9th. Now he is grown up and has become capable of guiding and mentoring other kids. Often he comes to our study centers to teach the kids. We hope all our kids grow into confident individuals like Gaurav.
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Tribal Boys from Bhopal well placed in Jaipur
Young tribal boys Ajay and Monu pushed their limitations, achieved their target and made us swell with pride. One year ago, Ajay and Monu received training in IT and Softskills at Navgurukul. They were then based in Dharamshala for some work. Now they are successfully placed in Jaipur with a stable job.
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